Our Team

 Southern Alabama FCA serves over 100 campuses in 
Mobile, Baldwin, Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Escambia, Monroe, and Washington counties.

It's through partnering with individuals, businesses, and churches in Southern Alabama, that we have an opportunity to reach our college, high school, middle school, and communities for Jesus Christ!

 Our Team
Meet your Southern Alabama FCA Staff

Maddie Bergeron

"My first exposure to FCA was in 2016 through a Leadership Camp where I continued to attend for numerous years as a camper and huddle leader. Those summers have truly been some of the most rewarding experiences as I’ve had the opportunity to see the Lord merge athletes’ and coaches’ love for the game with the life-changing power of the Gospel. FCA exists to engage, equip, and empower those in the sports realm to lead each and every individual into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. There is no limit to the impact that God can have through FCA ministry and your prayerful contributions make it all possible to grow the kingdom; thank you for your faithful partnership and support!"

Maddie came on staff with FCA in 2022. She graduated with her Bachelor's in Kinesiology at the University of Mobile where she played volleyball, also. 

Maddie Bergeron

Southern Alabama FCA

Mobile Area Representative

Support Maddie

Justin Patterson

“Sports are a gift; a gift from God that He has designed not to point solely to an individual’s or team’s talent or success, but to the God who has created all things for His glory. FCA helps direct players, coaches, and teams to the eternal treasure of knowing Jesus and how to obediently follow Him. As a former player, teacher, coach, and FCA huddle leader; I have witnessed God work in and through FCA. I have witnessed coaches encouraged, student leaders emboldened, athletes challenged and supported, volunteers who have willingly served, and relationships strengthened. God is at work and I am excited to be a part of the lasting impact that He will have through FCA in this area!”

Justin came on staff with FCA in 2021. He and his wife, Amy, have four children.

Justin Patterson

Southern Alabama FCA

Mobile Area Director


Support Justin

Dennis Hayford

"God is at work through FCA. I experienced this firsthand. I was saved through an FCA meeting in 1979. Immediately afterwards I joined a local huddle group and attended 2 FCA camps. I shudder to think where I would be without the influence of Christ’s love through FCA in my life. I look forward to the opportunity of sharing that same light to coaches and student-athletes in this area."

Dennis came on staff with FCA in 2008. He and his wife, Jan, have three adult children and two grandchildren.

Dennis Hayford

Southern Alabama FCA

Multi-Area Director


Support Dennis

Zak & Delaney Burnett

Zackand Delaney came on staff with FCA in 2024.

Zak Burnett

Southern Alabama FCA

Area Representative


Delaney Burnett

Southern Alabama FCA


Support Zak & Delaney

Chris Giles

Chris came on staff with FCA in 2023.

Chris Giles

Southern Alabama FCA

Washington Co. Field Ambassador


Support Chris

Nick Williams

Nick came on staff with FCA in 2023.

Nick Williams

Southern Alabama FCA

Thomasville Field Ambassador


Rachel Everett

Rachel came on staff with FCA in 2024

Rachel Everett

Southern Alabama FCA

Mobile Area Intern

Sidney Willisson

"I am so humbled that God has given me the opportunity to serve on staff with FCA. Throughout my life I have had a strong passion for sports and competition. When Christ captured my heart in 8th grade, it became very clear to me that sports were not where I should place my identity. Sports were simply my vehicle to make Him known, to make His name great, not my own. I played a variety of sports in high school and had the opportunity to play college basketball at Spring Hill. I have coached girls basketball at Bayside Academy, and also for local travel ball teams. I graduated with a nursing degree in 2019. In March 2018, I married my best friend, Gavin Willisson. Gavin owns "No Off Season", an athletic training facility in Daphne. I love being a servant for Christ through the work of FCA!"

Sidney came on staff with FCA in 2019.  She and Gavin have one child.

Sidney Willisson

Southern Alabama FCA  

Central Baldwin County

Field Ambassador

Support Sidney

Karla Bosarge

Karla came on staff with FCA in 2024.  She and her husband, Bryan, have two children.

Karla Bosarge

Southern Alabama FCA

Mobile Area Administrative Asst.

Karen Staton

“At the age of 13, God placed a call on my life to full-time ministry. For 35 years, I served as a pastor's wife. I now count it all joy and a great privilege to serve on staff with the Southern Alabama FCA Team. The Good News of Jesus has the supernatural power to change hearts. Because of FCA huddles, camps, and events in south Alabama, we are witnessing the Gospel impacting the lives of athletes, coaches, and our communities. Jesus IS making a difference and it is beautiful!”

Karen came on staff with FCA in 2010. She and her husband, Mike, have four children and seven grandchildren.

Karen Staton

Southern Alabama FCA

Administrative Assistant


Support Southern AL FCA
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